
Alexander Abban

Deputy Minister of Health, Ghana

Anna Gerard

Senior Technical Advisor Private Sector Health, Palladium

Brian O’Connor

Chair, ECH Alliance

Chemu Lang’at

Regional Head for Africa, Medtronic Labs

Clare Omatseye

Director, Africa Healthcare Federation

Danny Thomas Louange

Ministry of Health Seychelles

David Clarke

Team Leader UHC and Health Systems Law, WHO

Didier Nkurikiyimfura

Director of Technology and Innovation, Smart Africa

Dr. Babatunde Omilola

Director Public Health, Security and Social Protection Division, African Development Bank

Dr. Bernard Haufiku

Advisor to the President, Namibia

Dr. Ernest Darkoh

Founding Partner, BroadReach

Dr. Francisco Songane

Interim CEO, Africa Public Health Foundation

Dr. Githinji Gitahi

Board Member, National Cancer Institute Kenya and Chief Executive Officer, Amref Health Africa
John Nkengasong

Dr. John N. Nkengasong

Director, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
Karim Bendahou

Dr. Karim Bendhaou

Head Africa Bureau, MERCK

Dr. Kennedy Njau

Government Affairs Director Sub Saharan Africa, Astra Zeneca

Dr. Matshidiso Moeti

Regional Director Africa, WHO
Nicole Spieker

Dr. Nicole Spieker

Chief Executive Officer, PharmAccess Foundation

Elena Graeff

Head of Public - Private Business Development and Health Reinsurance (Middle East & Africa), AXA

Farid Fezoua

President & CEO, GE Healthcare Africa

Furhat Peerun

Territory Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa, Public Sector, Amazon Web Services

Geoffrey Nyaga

Chief Operations Officer at Astral Aerial Solutions

Hon. Wilhelmina Jhalla

Minister for Health, Liberia

Jitka Stranska

Managing Director Middle East & Africa, Linet
Justine Coulson

Justine Coulson

Deputy Regional Director, East and Southern Africa, UNFPA

Jyoti Tewari

Regional Health Systems Adviser, East and Southern Africa, UNFPA

Khama Rogo

Founder, African Institute for Health Transformation (AIHTSAGAM)

Manal Halwani

Healthcare Industry Leader- EMEA South, SAP

Manthabiseng Phohleli

Deputy Minister for Health, Lesotho
Marc Matthews

Marc Matthews

Business Development Director Africa, LumiraDx

Marie-Ange Saraka-Yao

Managing Director, Resource Mobilisation and Private Sector Partnerships at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Mervyn George

Innovation Strategy Lead for Africa, SAP

Monique Dolfing-Vogelenzang

CEO, PharmAccess Group

Muhammad Gad

Ministry of Health Egypt

Niresh Bechan

General Manager, Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre

Peter Sands

Executive Director, The Global Fund

Philippe Francois

Life & Health international reinsurance Business Development Global Head, Axa
Rukina Gadde

Renuka Gadde

Vice President, Global Health, BD

Samba Bathily

CEO,Africa Development Solutions

Siddharth Chaterjee

Resident Coordinator, United Nations

Steve A. Adudans

Executive Director, CPHD; CEO MediQuip Global & Hewatele

Takao Toda

Vice President for Human Security and Global Health,JICA

Thokozile Ruzvidzo

Director Gender, Poverty and Social Policy Division, UNECA
Zola Mtshiya

Zola Mtshiya

Director, Africa Healthcare Federation