Dr. Iain Barton
Iain Barton is an expert in developing and implementing best practices for global health. A committed South African, Iain is a medical doctor with 10 years clinical practice and 20 years in healthcare business management, specializing in pharmaceutical supply and market shaping.
Iain’s most recent role has been as Executive Vice-President—Healthcare for Imperial Logistics, Africa’s largest supplier of medications, where he has coordinated strategy, innovation, and solution design across all of the company’s healthcare businesses and driven new market expansion.
Iain was responsible for developing the concept of regional distribution centers to support the scale-up of PEPFAR across the continent and of the supply chain control tower that supports the Global Fund’s Pooled Procurement Mechanism for antiretroviral medications for HIV. Other innovations developed under Iain’s leadership include Unjani Clinics, Warehouse-in-a-Box, Clinic-in-a-Box and SSiH – a mega-distributor model enhancing access to medicines across Africa.