AHBS II: 6th - 7th November 2017, Dakar, Senegal

AHBS II saw the continent unite in West Africa with public sector, private sector and development partner representatives from 51 countries across the globe. The conference was a historic partnership effort between the Ministry of Health Senegal, the Private Health Federation of Senegal and Africa Health Business (AHB). The symposium ignited efforts focused on the joint objective of transforming the healthcare landscape on the African continent.

The Symposium in Numbers

AHBS III Organizations
AHBS III Delegates

Transforming PPPs for Health in Africa

Abdouliaye Diouf Sarr

Hon. Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, Minister of Health, Senegal, noted that among the human rights, the right to health is one of the categories belonging to the third generation of rights, that is to say economic and social rights. Highlighting the relationship between human rights and public health can only be a reality in a partnership framework.

The success of an African strategy for an effective management of our populations’ health care can be considered only within the framework of PPPs, given the lack of health facilities and the difficulty of achieving SDGs on health.

What Next: From Movement to Action

African Ministries of Health have seen that when the public and private sectors come together and integrate, there is shared value creation that maximizes the investment of each partner. In partnership, the power of innovation is unleashed. If this does not take place, however, there is a risk of establishing two parallel health systems, which promotes inefficiency, confusion and a poor use of resources. It is the public sector’s responsibility to lead the way and provide an environment that promotes discussion between the two sectors.
Governments also need to attract the private sector to invest, whether it be through tax rebates on medical equipment, subsidies for certain types of products or services that benefit the population, or even adequate revenue from the services they offer. The government should assess the feasibility of the investment to ensure that it is beneficial to their citizens, considering how it affects job creation, health outcomes, infrastructure development, and health facility improvements.